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viernes, 27 de noviembre de 2009

Preguntas para las entrevistas. ERAS>> MATCH

Hola a todos: Felicidades si ya andan en esto de las entrevistas. Ya los examenes quedaron atras.

Algunos Breves Consejos despues de pasar los Steps.

No es necesario pasar el Step 3, pero si tienes tiempo puede ayudar... pero no arriesgues tu aplicacion por querer pasar el Step 3, es preferible darle tiempo a preparar tu Personal Statement y tu ERAS Aplication antes. Estos documentos junto con tus cartas de recomendacion (LOR) y tu experiencia clinica en EU son los que te van a abrir o CERRAR las puertas a las entrevistas y sin entrevista no hay residencia.
Tomate todo tu tiempo buscand cuales programas realmente son buenas opciones para aplicar. Aplica a varias especialidades en un numero de 20 a 30 por cada especialidad, esto sale mas barato que aplicar a 60 programas de la misma especialidad. Mientras mas apliques mas posibilidades de entrevistar. Solo recuerda que cada entrevista puede significar un fuerte gasto economico (avion hotel etc).

Bueno las preguntas para la entrevista... Estas preguntas las recopile de diferentes fuentes, del programa de UCLA IMG y de diferentes paginas de escuelas de medicina que les proporcionan capacitacion a sus US graduates para realizar este proceso. Tambien ellos van a entrevistar y estan compitiendo contigo. Si aplicaste a un programa que digamos tiene 8 plazas, y este programa va a entrevistar a unos 80-100 candidatos, y recibe unas 800- 2000 aplicaciones (depende el programa, la reputacion del mismo y la ciudad donde se encuentra) vas a tener que tomar en cuenta cuantos US grad aplicaron a este programa ya que ellos tienen prioridad antes que los IMG's, asi que si aplican mas de 100 US Grad, y son buenos candidatos tus posibilidades bajaron significativamente. Aun asi no te desanimes por eso debemos de aplicar antes que ellos, por eso debemos de aplicar el 1ro de septiembre a las 12:01. Si aplicas en Octubre despues de que el programa recibio muchas aplicaciones tus posibilidades bajan significativamente.
Como mencione, los US grad toman muy en serio esto de el ERAS y las entrevistas. SE PREPARAN para ello. Practican las preguntas, estudian los programas, visitan sus paginas web y mandan correos electronicos para pedir mayor informacion. Lo que en nuestra cultura seria "ser latosos" aqui es ser "perseverante" "mostrar interes"

Bueno sin mas rollos, las preguntas son:

What are your expectations of what your life will be like after residency?
What’s your visual image of your life as a doctor?
What are your goals?
What have you done in your life that shows that you are a hard working and dedicated?
(Remember, it doesn’t have to be restricted to medicine.)
Why should we pick you? What could you offer this program?
Where else have you applied?
What was the most interesting case that you have been involved in? What is your most memorable patient encounter?
Do you see any problems managing a professional and a personal life?
Are you prepared for the rigors of residency? How do you normally handle conflict? Pressure?Why did you get (a certain) low grade?
What do you do in your free time?
What are you looking for in a residency program?
What do you want to talk about?
Tell me about yourself?
Why do you want to come to America?
You have been away from medicine for some time what have you done to keep up?
If English is not your first language how comfortable are you working in the US ?
What is the training i n your country like?
What 3 things in life do you value as most important?
What is your focus in family medicine? What are your interests?
Do you feel comfortable working with patients of all ages?
What kind of people do you feel it hardest to deal with?
Why have you chosen to apply to this program ?
What do you know about HIPAA?
Describe yourself in 3 words?
How many residency interviews have you completed so far?
What differences do you see between the health care delivery systems of your country and America?
As an International medical graduate, what is your option about socialized health care?
Do you have any questions? (yes...)
What are your strengths and weaknesses?
Why are you interested in this specialty? (#1 question asked)
How well do you feel you were trained to start as an intern?
Describe your learning style.
What do you think about...the current and future state of healthcare, this specialty, etc.?
What would you do if you knew one of your more senior residents was doing something wrong? filling out H&P's without doing the evaluations, tying someone's tubes without consent...and other ethical questions.)
Which types of patients do you work with most effectively? (least effectively?)
How do you make important decisions?
If you could no longer be a physician, what career would you choose?
What if you do not match?
Can you think of anything else you would like to add? (yes...)
Have you done any research?
What is the philosophy of the program?
Who are the faculty?
What kind of curriculum is offered?
How many hospitals participate in the program?
Is a thesis or publication required during training?
Is there time and funding for conferences and meetings?
To what extent do residents manage patients?
What is the patient mix and what are the community demographics?
Do residents perform surgery?
Is the program changing, and why?
What do residents here like most and least?
What are the research, clinical, teaching opportunities?
What is the scope of experience I can expect?
What is the program like (in the sub-specialty I’m interested in)?
Where are the graduates of the program now?
How much elective time is there and how is it usually used?
Is the Chairperson staying?
What percentage of graduates enter fellowships?
How is the training divided?
What are the weaknesses of the program?
Do residents have time to read?
How available are the attendings (including nights and weekends)?
What were the results of the last accreditation visit?
Are there any joint residency activities?
What is the patient mix? Does it reflect the community demographics?
What kind of community outreach might we be involved in?
Competitiveness of the Program:
What do you look for in a candidate?
How many people do you rank?
How do your residents perform on boards?
What is this program most respected for?
What is the ownership of this institution?
How financially stable is the program?
Quality of Life:
What is the mix of married and unmarried residents?
What is the racial/ethnic/gender breakdown of residents?
Do the residents socialize as a group?
Are their support groups?
Is there an Office of Minority Affairs? What is its role?
How many residents are there?
What is call schedule like?
What happens if someone is sick?
Characterize faculty-resident relationships.
What is the relationship between this program and other specialties?
Have any housestaff left, and why?
What do you expect of your housestaff?
Is there a house staff grievance process?
How are complaints handled?
What is the parental leave policy?
**Do you offer health, life, disability insurance?
**What is the salary?
**What is your meal plan?
**What kind of vacation time do you offer?
**Do you have sick days?
**Do you have maternity/parental leave?
Does the curriculum include training in cultural competence?
Is training offered in medical Spanish or other languages?
Does the program seek and actively recruit minority residents?
How many attendings/faculty are minorities, and are efforts being made to actively recruit them as well?
Does the medical school have an Office of Minority Affairs?
What is the make-up of the patient population?
Is the program or hospital involved in any projects to help the undeserved?
Where is it?
Do you like the city?
Do you like the fact that it’s rural, or in a suburb?
What is the community seem like?
What is the climate like?
What kind of transportation is available?
What is the access to theater, movies, sporting facilities, the great outdoors?
What are the financial implications of living here?
The Hospital:
How are the individual call rooms?
What are the meals like?
What is the library like?
Can you easily photocopy articles you need?
Where are the lockers?
Do men and women have equal facilities?
Are there fitness facilities?
What is the success of graduates: board scores, help finding jobs/fellowships? What are the clinical, non-clinical, and administrative responsibilities of the residents?
Are there research opportunities?
Status of the program and hospital: Have any house staff left the program? Accreditation?
Quality of current residents? Have any left the program recently?
How are residents evaluated? How often? By whom? How may they give feedback?
Teaching opportunities?
Do you foresee any changes in the next three years?
What makes this program so unique?
Create a list you wish to specifically ask residents, such as:
What contact will I have with clinical faculty?
How are the attendings to work with?
What is the average daily work load for interns? Is it varied?
How much didactic time is there? Does it have priority?
What types of clinical experiences will I have?
What is the work schedule? Call schedule? Time off?
What is the patient population I will see?
Are you happy? Was this a good match for you?
Do the residents socialize as a group?
Moonlighting opportunities?

Preparate para preguntas incomodas. Por que reprobaste X Step? por que no pasaste a la primera? etc.
Y la pregunta implicita en cada pregunta: Entiendes lo que te digo en Ingles, puedes comunicarte en Ingles, como vas a comunicarte durante un momento de extremo estress?
**NOTA: En las preguntas que se le pueden hacer a los medicos de base o al director del programa inlcui algunas que he encontrado pueden ser mala idea hacerlas, aquellas que hablan de beneficios y salario, dias de vacaciones etc... no creo que sea muy buena idea realizarlas... ademas dicha informacion por lo general la puedes encontrar en la pagina Web del programa.
Asi que a practicar. Si no tienen un buen nivel de Ingles a estudiar, no hay de otra.
Animo que si se puede!!!! :)

PD: Por aca los esperamos. Stanislaus Family Medicine Residency Program.

4 comentarios:

  1. hola acabo de leer tu escrito sobre los steps, me llama mucho la atencion lo que dices, soy colombiana, acabo de graduarme, y megustaria irme para estados unidos a hacer mi residencia veo que el proceso es super complicado, y que lleva tiempo y anos de estudio, aca en colombia ofrecen el kaplan instituto que prepara para los step, igual ellos no te dan garantia que vas a pasar, nose que otros cursos existen, mi idioma es medio en ingles, pero segun he escuchado debes hablarlo casi a la perfecion, mi duda es si irme, estudiar para los steps alla irme a estudiar ingles alla para perfeccionarlo, en verdad nose que hacer si empezar kaplan aca, pues yo nunca hice una rotacion alla en usa y la verdad nose como obtener mi carta de recomendacion porque nunca alcance a hacer en mi rtoacion de internado alla, me llama mucho la atencion tu experiencia, me dio gusto leer tu escrito, es chevere y que felicidad se debe tener haber pasado los examenes, eres un ejemplo de superacion, bueno me gustaria saber mas acerca del proceso para uno irse alla a usa y pasar los step, gracias

  2. Hola a todos. Primero que nada una disculpa. Hacia tiempo no visitaba estos rumbos. Gracias a todos por sus comentarios.
    Claro que si se puede. Actualmente ya termine la residencia y gracias a Dios ya estoy trabajando. No los voy a engañar, el trabajo esta pesado, pero es lo que uno decidio y lo que uno quiere hacer ¿no?
    UCLA IMG Program sigue aceptando candidatos. En solo 5 años ha colocado a mas de 50 medicos latinos en programas de residencia de Medicina Familiar en California. Visiten la pagina official para ver los requisitos, y la pagina en el Facebook de "UCLA IMG Alummni Association" par aver fotos y mas info. De cualquier manera intentare responder las preguntas atrasadas, solo les pido un poco de paciencia. Gracias y mucho animo que si se puede!!

  3. Que tal buenas tarde
    , DR. Cota:
    Soy estudiante de servicio social de la carrera de medicina en Michoacán y claro me gustaría continuar estudiando con una especialidad, estoy muy perdida podría orientar me un poco sobre la UCLA yo que aún no presento ENARM puedo aplicar? No entiendo muy bien pero me gustaría intentar ingresar a UCLA, me netresaria saber como puedo hacerle?

    Buen día y gracias...

    17 de julio de 2013 15:34

